Welcome to the Journée Grand-Sud Ouest, a must-come one day Symposium for the organic chemists of South Ouest of France and CATALOGNA. This symposium will be held in Montpellier at the Montpellier Business School.
A day for young researcher from PhD student to Posdtdoctoral fellows
Chemistry - 3 themes in parallel
Organic chemistry and Bioorganic
Solid Chemistry, materials and Polymers
Heterochemistry and coordination chemistry
42 oral communications ( in ENGLISH) of PhD/Postdoc student or young researcher (15 minutes) will be presented together with 50 posters around coffee break and lunch time.
Permanents : 50 € (member SCF ou SCQ) 100 € (non member SCF ou SCQ)
Non permanent (Students, PhD , Post-Doc) : 25 € (member SCF ou SCQ) 50 € (non member SCF ou SCQ)
To register for GSO 2015 you first have to register to this web site (free on the left corner of this web page)
Then you can deposit your abstract for oral or poster with the following template
Please specify which section you would like to apply.
Template must be deposited beore the 2sd of November 2015.
You also have to pay by:
purchase order to sent to stephanie.roualdes@umontpellier.fr (to fill a bill with our bank identity ; Please you have to indicate the people you pay for in the email